Farming Life by the Farmer's Wife

Monday, July 13, 2015

How To Clean a Cactus

My Christmas cactus had become disgustingly dirty and dusty. Don't try to wipe each individual cactus leaf with a damp cloth - that's too time consuming. Instead, wait until the next time you need to water and just pop the whole plant in the shower.

I read in another blog to use a hand held sprayer (which is gentler on the leaves). I found the plain old shower head worked just fine.

Leave the plants to drip dry in the tub and gently shake when ready to put back in their homes.

We have softened water, so the droplets left over didn't leave water stains. If you have hard water, before the leaves completely air dry, you may have to blot as much as you can. And that's it. So easy.

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